Thursday, June 11, 2020

Surprise Improvement in U.S. Employment Activity

Gary Lande, Career Coach
Showing You The Way Forward

Labor and unemployment numbers for the month of May have been reported, and the news is very positive. The unemployment rate declined to 13.3% in May compared with 14.7% in April, while the labor participation rate increased, with 2.5 million non-farm jobs being added to the economy. Economists polled by Market Watch had expected the unemployment rate to climb to 19%.

I encourage everyone who is in transition to pursue job opportunities very actively. I believe that you will be surprised that you find many opportunities as the economy continues to open.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Has "Ageism" Encountered You?

By David L. Steinberg, IWA, Poet, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Sustainability Advocate

"You are too old!"
"You overqualified"
"You are too expensive"
"You will take this job then move on when something else better comes along"
"We want less expensive people,"
Etc. etc. etc.
Maybe you have not heard these exact words, but you know what they mean!
So, what do you do about it? Give up in despair?
Or, Maybe there is another way to approach this dilemma.
Here are 50 Ways, not to leave your lover, but how you can overcome these objections:–-50-reasons-to-hire-the-50-plus-candidate/