Friday, February 16, 2018

A Picture is worth a thousand words

Author: Sam Cohen
         Leader of on-time process and technology solutions, engaging a passion for working with people.

A Picture is worth a thousand words; or so the saying goes. Our profile photo on LinkedIn, for example, leaves an impression, whether we like it or not. And, it is part of our branding.

 The following information comes from Photofeeler...

 "There's rich academic research which says different photos of the same person create wildly different first impressions. "

This is proven again and again on Photofeeler. "If the same face can score high with one photo and low with another photo... well, it's not the face that's changed. It's the photo.

 "Let's say a man is about average-looking. With the wrong angles and lighting, his picture could make him appear below-average. Now, if he fixes those problems and then starts to experiment with the kind of story he's telling with his photo, his scores can go higher and higher.

Say, for instance, you have two pictures of the same man: one of him standing alone in a dimly-lit bedroom and one of him accepting a Grammy award. Likely the picture that portrays the man as skilled, interesting, and successful will be rated much higher.

 "That said, here are some tips we've put together, based on Photofeeler data, for increasing photo scores on particular traits:

 "How to Look More Competent in Photos

 "How to Look More Likable in Photos

 "How to Look More Influential in Photos

 "How to Look More Intelligent in Photos

 "How to Look More Trustworthy in Photos

 "How to Look More Attractive in Photos

 "How to Look More Confident in Photos

 "How to Look More Authentic in Photos

 "How to Look More Fun in Photos"


  1. Sam M. did a great job writing this blog and also selecting this topic which is most often overlooked yet, to my opinion extremely important. We judge with our eyes. What we see is what we believe in. Perception is reality. A great picture is VERY attractive. A poor one leaves a bad impression. In the American culture we do not comment on someone's bad picture. We just make a mental notation.
